Freddy the Pig

I have notice that some of you said that you grew up with Clifford, the Big Red Dog. Great for you! I grew up with Freddy the Pig. I know. That sound so… so… so (wave of hand).

I am proud to be a Freddy the Pig reader. I discovered him when I was in grade school. Not only did his adventures fuel my imagination as I follow him in his adventures. He taught me life lessons.

Back then there were moral right and wrong. Black and white. It was a far simpler world. And in Freddy, he taught me about doing the right thing. He taught me about honesty. He taught me about loyalty. He taught me many things in his life. Wow a pig life. No. He was a person disguised as a pig. Freddy and his friends were there for each as they weather the storms of life. My thanks to Freddy.

What fictional or real person was in your life that influenced you? Does anyone else know “my” Freddy? Let me know if you have a character or person that influenced you for the good.

About moonlouie5


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